This igloo contains:
- A tropical bar with seating
- A live tropical band
- Sand and towels to bathe in
- Beach volleyball
- A waterslide (yeah its messy ik but the chairs wouldnt face straight)
- A lifeguard lookout area
- A changing room
- Water to swim in
Hope you enjoyed the igloo! Please rate ?/10 in the comments below and if you want give some advice. BTW Here is a question: do you think we've used all the igloo ideas possible that there are no original ideas left? Something to think about. Bye -Jjoeyxx
- Little French Town ✓
- Pirate Ship (Mini Igloo) ✓
- Spring Garden ✓
- Winter Path ✓
- Ghost Train ✓
- My House ✓
- Spring Path ✓
- Beach Party ✓
8.5/10 - Love it!