Saturday, 21 June 2014

Natural Cabin Place - Luna1210's Igloo Ideas

Hey everyone! It's Luna1210!

Today I have a new igloo! It is a Natural Cabin Place. I wanna thank Alex1941 for helping me doing this igloo and Netsky for the fountain!

Here it goes:

This igloo includes:
  • A Cabin
  • A Birdwatching Balcony
  • A Pond Area
  • A Flower Zone
  • A Waterfal With Resting Benches
  • A Garden
  • x4 Bamboo Plants
And that's it! Be sure to rate (?/10) and comment your opinion!

See you in the next post!



  1. How to you get igloo locations and empty igloos on mirai? I'm Awkward Taco btw on Mirai and CPPS.ME

    1. Hi! There's only one location on Mirai - the one shown in this igloo. To get it simply say on the chat bar !ui 45 :).
      And by the way, nice name! It's a little awkward.... LOL! We could meet up someday! If I find you, I'll be sure to add you :3.


    2. Thanks Luna! That's big help! I wanna start a mirai YouTube! And I'm in vacation so let's meet like next Tuesday at 2:30 us eastern?

    3. Next Tuesday I will go to the dentist change my braces :(. And I'm from Europe, so I pretty much don't know which time you're talking about xP

    4. Oh okay... I don't know Europe time ��, good luck btw with braces change!

    5. Thank you :D Yay I changed them and they're metallic blue!

  2. I love this except the bird cages & room at the top looks a bit out of place (it's not centered with the house).
    Score --- 9.5/10

    1. It actually is centered, the big tree is hiding a bit of the house and makes it look a little non-centered. Thanks for the opinion though :).

    2. Well I was mainly talking about the door. Doesn't look centered at all :S

      But it's okay it's still a great igloo

    3. Oooh :s #SloppyLuna

  3. I love this igloo! I don't think the bamboo really goes though... Other than that it's great! 9.75/10.

    1. I agree, though from my vision it gives a nature feel sort of :3.

  4. 9.5/10! I really liked how you combined igloo elements from both Netsky and Alex! I am only giving a -0.5 because of slight tweaks that should have been made. Like mist said, the room at the top should have been centered with the door and the benches with the fountain where not quite centered either. I also agree with Bubbles that the bamboo was not the right item choise. Behind the room at the top you can see the location surface which should have been covered up!

  5. Although your igloo was extremely creative, full, and had great item things like the shed and fountain. The only bad thing that I can say is neatness. Some areas aren't even or symmetrical, and the first thing I noticed is that the benches are slightly moved. And also the layout of the igloo is a little strange. But, overrall the igloos pretty nice! 8/10 c;

    1. Thank you Rem! I agree with the Neatness, but the old layout confused me since I had those symbols going around and not letting me see some things, overall I totally agree. The layout of the igloo seems a little strange I know, but you'll actually know why soon C;. Thanks for the rating
