Sunday 17 August 2014

Campsite Igloo (remake) by Lildudee10

Hey everyone!

So I'm not actually here right now. 
This is a scheduled post, yep... just a robot doing my job!
I'm away camping at the moment on a family holiday so I'm probably relaxing on the beach or wasting my money on food/in the arcade or something right now ahaha.

So, in the event and subject of camping I have made you a campsite igloo. I know I have made many of these before but honestly this was rushed and it was the first thing that came to mind. 

This igloo includes:

  • Four tents
  • Two cabins
  • Fishing/decking area by the river
  • Awkward cityscape even though this is a nature igloo (I get lazy sometimes also it looks nice and covers up the back haha)
Lildudee10's Campsite
I have scheduled another post for next Sunday (because I'll still be away) which for the first time in like a month is one of my sister's igloo! Yayy :3 If you want to get hold of me (I don't see why but oh well) just contact me on twitter @MissLilCP because I will be unable to go on the blogs chat.

Ok then, I'll cya next week! Don't forget to rate below and I'll try my best to respond. Thanks for reading :)



  1. lol I read this last week 10/10

    1. o wait i didn't take into account the cityscape you get an 8.5 the flowers should be hedges o and the exercise balls? are those wheels for caravans? If so i'd just keep it as a cabin also the water is kinda on the wooden walk so there should be a barrier

  2. Very well done, I love the layout! 10/10

  3. Hmm, I don't like the use of the wooden walks, they need to be neatened up somehow, perhaps be made into a small boardwalk, like a small boat area? I think the cityscape takes a way a lot of the camping theme, a forest might of looked better which would have been achieved through removing the cityscape and using more bushes, large rock items instead in the upper middle section.

