Monday, 30 May 2016

Backyard Party and Barbeque By Brooke

Annyeong my kids

I know I've been dead for this entire month so I've decided to post an igloo I've been waiting so long to post, and that is my Backyard Party and Barbeque Igloo. Check it out:

Backyard Party and Barbeque
Gosh I was so fetus in Clubpenguin So this igloo includes:
-2 patio tables with chairs
-2 barbeques
-3 poolside chairs with snacks, an unbrella, and a tiki torch
- A "pool?"

That's it for today and I really don't lnow what else to say so rate this igloo out of 10 and let me know if I should add or take out anything

Arigato gusai-mashta and sayonara 

1 comment:

  1. 9/10. It's a nice igloo but doesn't have the amazing feeling of a 10
