I had so much fun with the Igloo Championship this year that I turned the competition into a video which sums all of the igloos and results. Check it out above!
Igloo Makers :
- Cutiepie813 http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC89Z_7k761zl_C9Jc8eNDwg
- Zenny http://twitter.com/WtfZenny
- Brooke https://plus.google.com/b/107890057592548732853/113112053624599310796/posts
- Race Agains http://plus.google.com/+RaceAgainsCp/posts
- Harry Cp https://www.youtube.com/user/Myclubpenguintales
- Nirasha123 http://plus.google.com/117925739470184130857/posts
- DreamingSky http://plus.google.com/113881229903023539056/posts
- Allsmiles29 http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsJvm0-GJ9FSHgCGOW3ZXvw
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Harry omg XD u put my youtube there YES XD