Friday, 13 January 2017

Pirate Cove by Verde Sal + Igloo Discoveries #129: Babycrier's igloo

Hey everyone, it's Verde Sal here. Today I have two igloos to show you. First, here is my igloo, a Pirate Cove. Take a look:

Pirate Cove by Verde Sal
This igloo features:
-Dock with boat
-Fort with cannons
-Two sheltered rooms
-Fire pit
-Treasure cave

Next, we have an igloo from Babycrier called Newspaper Office. Take a look:

Newspaper Office by Babycrier
Another great igloo from Babycrier! There are some creative elements like the printer in the top middle part of the igloo, and he made it feel like a real office. Great job!

If you have any suggestions for my igloo or Babycrier's igloo, please leave a comment below, with a rating out of /10. Until later, peace,

-Verde Sal

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