Saturday 9 April 2016

Flower/Garden Showcase by Brooke

Heloo children.

It's Brooke and today in spite of the "wonderful" spring we've been having lately, I've decided to make a Flower/Garden Showcase igloo. I made this igloo in advance because I have statewide tests and all that stuff but oh whale. Lookie:

Flower/Garden Showcase

This igloo includes:
-Boardwalk thingy
-Cool array of trees
-Cool array of bushes
-Cool array of flowers

So that's basically it for today. Idk if anyone else here are having tests too but rate this igloo out of 10 and lemme know if I should add or take out anything, cause chu kawaii people are kawaii. Arigato gusai-mashta and sayonara.


1 comment:

  1. This igloo is really pretty and very neat. I think the pantrys and yellow cityscape didn't work well at all, try something different here instead or make it more into a building front rather than just 3 doors & use the red cityscape across the wall (blue or yellow might look better than red). 8.5/10
