Saturday 27 September 2014

Tea Party | BLACKMIST100

Hey guys. I'm back with another igloo - a Tea Party.

My personal favorite parts of the igloo include the fountain and the tea/cupcakes. What do you think about this igloo?

*I promise there will not be a month-long wait between this igloo and the next this time.



  1. nice but the fountain looks like... so sudden... it like came out of nowhere and you spammed a bit too many windows and the balloons don't match the color scheme

    1. idk how I spammed a "bit too many" windows what else am I supposed to put
      && yea looking back idk why the balloons are there oops

  2. Very original using the door as a wall, I disagree with Mario because the windows wern't overused at all, they helped cover up the wall, instead of using the cityscape, as well as making the igloo seem neater overall. I loved how you used the judges table with the coffee machine on top and used the paper to represent napkins. It was also good how you used the small coffee tables and used the cups to go behind the bigger tables. The top half of the igloo was really good but I found a lot of the bottom half simple/boring. I see what you were trying to do with the fountain/hedges but they didn't work with the igloo. Although, the single fountain item was nice as it fit the colour scheme, perhaps you could've filled the area around it better than using greenery items.

