Wednesday 23 November 2016

Thanksgiving Town by Verde Sal

Hey everyone, it's Verde Sal here. Today I have a special igloo for Thanksgiving, a Thanksgiving Town. Take a look:

Thanksgiving Town by Verde Sal
This igloo features:
-5 homes/buildings
-Garden with plenty of crops
-Large dinner table

One thing I would have liked to add was a bunch more chairs to the table, but I ran out of item space. If you have any suggestions to improve this igloo, please leave a comment below with a rating out of /10. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Until later, peace,

-Verde Sal


  1. This igloo is so cool. So many details and the colours are great. The only thing to add would be chairs like you said and I would also add one more hedge tree to the right of the existing two and also the same maiden shrubbery next to this to create a symmetrical kinda thing. Other than that, it's perfect so 10/10
