Friday 23 December 2016

Oceanfront Christmas Town by Verde Sal

Hey everyone, it's Verde Sal here. Christmas is coming up very soon, so I have one more holiday igloo for you. This one is called Oceanfront Christmas Town. Take a look:

Oceanfront Christmas Town by Verde Sal
This igloo features
-Two homes
-Surf shop
-Coffee shop
-Christmas decorations
-Coins for Change donation

I really enjoyed making this igloo. :D If you have any suggestions to improve it, please leave a comment below, with a rating out of /10. Happy holidays,

-Verde Sal


  1. Very nicely done, sal! I loved absolutely everything about the lower part of the igloo, you could've done a lot with the rocks and the dock like add a lot of lights for a really cosy feeling but that's just a suggestion. the upper part was a bit basic imo. I see you used your style to make a roof again which i really like but it's risky to use the club penguin door item because it rarely looks good & i think you could've made the houses more creatively or add something more entertaining like a bar or whatever. apart from that i like that way you used the rock paths (is that what it's called?) as an exterior floor. also, you could've gone easier on the christmas trees at the dock lol but overall a really good igloo. You've definitely improved over the years sal! 8.5/10

    1. Haha thanks. I understand the thing about the houses, and I rarely use them, but I just decided to go for it. Thanks and Merry Christmas

  2. I love the christmas trees behind the rocks and the use of icicle lights. I also really like the use of the stone paths. 10/10
