Friday 22 July 2016

Beachfront College by Verde Sal

Hey everyone, it's Verde Sal here with a new igloo. Today's igloo is a Beachfront College. I was making a regular college earlier, and I decided, "Why not make it a more 'special' college?". So here's a look:

Beachfront College by Verde Sal
This igloo includes:
-2 Classrooms (1 regular classroom, 1 science room)
-Entrance with seating/computers
-Outdoor seating

I would have liked to include more rooms, but I also wanted to have a very "tropical" feel to this igloo. In the comments, please rate this igloo /10! Until later, peace,

-Verde Sal


  1. hey, I love this igloo and i've been following you for a while now! I was wondering what the blue furniture items that you use for the windows are called? i've been looking everywhere and I cant seem to find it. thanks for your help.

    1. Hi, that item is called 'Long Puffle Tube'. Its original color is green but I switched it to blue.

  2. I love this igloo and it doesn't appear cramped, instead rather spacious! I love the roofing and common room. For the classrooms, I think they look more like bedrooms a little - possibly due to the small classroom space. The colours work really well here. I would have the water go diagonally inwards towars the lower centre or use a wooden walk to create a bridge -- just so it doesn't appear like you have to walk on water to enter the college. 9.5/10

  3. This looks amazing! Harry Cp is right it doesn't looked cramped and I love that! The front of the college is so beautiful and the chairs go great with the umbrella tables. I do like Harry Cp's idea of putting in a bridge but either way It looks fine to me. The room with the painting aisle (I think thats what there called) is awesome and so is the Science room! I would rate this igloo 10/10! I cant wait to see more of your igloo's Verde Sal! ~Davids19
