Monday 4 November 2013

My Campsite Igloo

Hello everyone

Today I am showing one of my favourite igloos at the moment which I am very pleased with. It's an adaption of my 'Boot camp' igloo but with tons more colour, design and activities. This igloo is divided in three sections.

The middle section is the camping area with four comfy tents and two log cabins for extra comfort and a relaxing way to spend time in the forest. To the left is an activity area for campers which is a great way to pass the day including archery, rock climbing and fishing (thanks for the fishing idea Harry). Finally, to the very right there is a campfire and nature area. This igloo is of course based around my favourite item: tall trees :D If you would like to rate this igloo in the comments please do!

Lildudee10's Campsite

-Lil x


  1. I like your iggy in a different way, not in a rude way.


    1. I rate this iggy a 8/10

      I thought you should have covered the ground, but still very good campsite.

