Tuesday 24 December 2013

New Author Willhopper

Hey guys, I'm Willhopper. You can call me Will for short. I run a YouTube channel called WillhopperCP. Click here if you would like to check it out! Its still is relatively new. I upload igloos so far but I have plans on expanding my channel by running multiple series on it. This is my first time ever having an official blogging job. I'm a 13 year old from the United States. My hobbies outside of Club Penguin include robotics, Legos, and biking. I've been playing Club Penguin since August 2007, when I created my old penguin Will7b. The penguin that I currently use is Willhopper (obviously). I hope that I run into you on server Abominable. I am going to be posting my episodes of Igloo Interiors from my channel and I will post reviews of igloos. Currently there is only one episode released. For the igloo reviews, it will simply be a review of an igloo tour on YouTube. I will be blogging at least 2 times a week because that is how many episodes are released a week. For the reviews, I will post whenever I want to. Anyways that is me.
Your friend,