Sunday 1 December 2013

Wedding Igloo!

Hey Guys! What a nice day to get married have a party and have dinner!
Well you came to the right igloo! I made a Wedding igloo! I made a little Dinner. Also I made a small party room with of course CAKE! Last but not least I made the part where Penguins get married Lol. I hope you enjoy this!

Here is the picture of my Wedding Igloo!
Ryanz14 Wedding Igloo!



  1. Replies
    1. :( Glad you didnt like it. Its really not nice to insult someones igloo on a website :(

    2. Insulting? I actually like this igloo, there are just some details that are lacking in this iggy. Keep on improving, Bro!

  2. Why are there aquariums there? And also, like net sky said way too many log chairs.

    1. :( Glad you didnt like it. Its really not nice to insult someones igloo on a website :(

    2. The Aquarium is just decoration :?

    3. They're just offering ideas to help improve your igloo for next time :) It's always good to get feedback, it helps me improve my igloos a lot!

  3. Thanks for helping me feel better. Maybe I was exaggerating, but Netsky no offense btu You have a little attitude sometimes.......... That's why I got mad. and always at you.

    1. Whaat I'm just trying to help you so you'll improve.
      No offense but you're a bit sensitive
