Sunday 22 December 2013

Reindeer Sanctuary by Cutiepie813


Today I bring to you another one of my sisters igloos, a reindeer sanctuary, which is also doubling up as a reindeer stables.

This igloo has 9 adult reindeer pens, and 4 for baby reindeer, a carrot patch and bench area. Cutie says: "This isn't my best igloo, because of 99 item rule. But it is to do with Christmas and that's what I want"

Cutiepie813's Reindeer Sanctuary

I'll be back with one of my igloos and Christmas day :D

-Lil x

1 comment:

  1. This isn't really a sanctuary considering they're in stables. Its more of a stables! A sanctuary would be like a forest area with fences around which is what im doing!
