Tuesday 27 September 2016

Author of the Month : September 2016

Welcome to the Author of the Month September 2016 edition. The author with the winning igloo will become Author of the Month! The poll will end on the 1st October. This is also the first poll to feature Charlynn AND Michele!

Check out our authors with their best igloo that they posted in the last two months :

Allsmiles29 :
House Interior
Charlynn :
Cliff Diving
Harry Cp :
Cutiepie813 :
Jungle Cafe
Michele :
RaceAgains Cp :
Cabin Shelter
Brooke :
Summer Camp
Verde Sal :
Water Park
Rules :
- This is a friendly contest, do not ask people to vote for certain people
- You can vote once per day
- Authors CANNOT vote for themselves
- Vote for who you think made the best igloo from the last month
- To pick your winner, vote on the poll to your right


  1. Personal rankings:
    1. Harry
    2. Race Agains
    3. Charlynn
    4. Brooke
    5. Michele
    6. Cutie
    7. Allsmiles

    Great job everyone, awesome igloos this month

  2. Personal rankings:

    1. Michele
    2. Sal
    3. Harry
    4. Race Agains
    5. Allsmiles
    6. Brooke
    7. Cutie

    As Sal said, amazing job guys. I can't wait to see what this month brings!
