Saturday 17 September 2016

New Author?

If you couldn't tell by the title, there is a new author. I'm glad to announce that after nearly 3 years of trying , I am officaily an author.  Hey, I'm Charlynn. You could call me Char or whatever nickname you think of. Of course I won't really care what you call me, that's not my real name. If Doctor Sues could go by a fake name so can I.

Anyways, here's some facts about me.

- I sing nearly daily, and in two years I'll be able to audition for the voice!
- I am the oldest if you don't include my half brother. he liget left me for stupid college but oh well
- I hope to one day be an author or ,of course, a singer.
- I suck at grammar and spelling so I'm praying this makes sense.
- I live in 'Merica and have to deal with whoever becomes president. 

I really hope you'll like my igloos! I also hope you'll except me as an author, bye👋🏽