Sunday 22 March 2015

Mel vs. Ellie - St. Patricks Day Special!

Hey guys!

[belated] St. Patricks Day! In honor of the holiday, Ellie and I have decided to do a ‘’versus’’ to celebrate! Originally we planned to show this to you all on the actual holiday, but school got in the away as it often does, so we decided to show it to you all this weekend. We decided to each make leprechaun villages and let you all decide who made it best. Lets take a look!

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s Igloo

Hey there guys! Mel here!

So for my Leprechaun Village I decided to make some cute houses made out of wood with some nature detail. As I
ve seen in many representations, theres usually lots of mushrooms as roofs and tree tops. One particular drawing I saw, had fairy houses, so with the wilds puffle treehouses, I decided to give that little detail there. I tried to keep it with a green/brown color scheme as possible, but to make it appealing to the eye, I also added some colorful detail like the mushrooms, the flowers and the river. I was very lucky I finished it right when I got item limit, or else it would of been a pain to make this igloo.

This igloo includes:

>Leprechaun houses (in all sizes and different styles!)
>Fairy houses
>A river
>Gold reservatory
>Rainbow path
>The Great Elder’s House (middle)
>Mushrooms  (be careful to not get poisoned!

 photo banner02.gif

s  Igloo

Hey guys, Ellie here,

So for my leprechaun village, I wanted to create a simple yet detailed design that gave this village an enchanted forest-like layout. However, item limit was a MAJOR setback. Originally, I had hedges in the background that gave this a really lush green color that helped pull it all together. They had to be eliminated in order to complete the igloo, but I tried my best nonetheless to create my desired layout.

This igloo includes:

>4 Leprechaun houses
>Rainbow (with a pot of gold of course)
>A waterfall
>A town hall and town square
>Forest-like landscape

>So what do you guys think? Who did it best? Comment with a rating out of 10 and let us know! Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. It's really hard for me to decide which igloo I like better. I like how Mel had lots of trees and plants in her igloo. You say that the end of the rainbow has gold, but the gold isn't at the end of the rainbow so that kind of confused me. I like the town hall and town square in Ellie's igloo. I think that maybe you should include leprechauns in your igloo since it is a leprechaun village. Overall, both of you did a good job. By the way, what CPPS did you use?

    1. is the CPPS they used.

    2. Thanks Anon! Well I always heard that at the end of the rainbow there was gold, and I was planning to take a screenshot of my igloo with the rainbow with the pot of gold there, and I didn't notice that it wasn't on this screenshot :(. When I came on, the whole igloo was messed up so there was no way I could do it.. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll be changing the post then.

  2. I really like both, but I think I have to give it to Mel because she used more detail than Ellie.

  3. I vote Ellie, loved the use of the stone paths and the centre building. The homes looked nice too, only problem is the bare patch in the top left.

    For me, Mel's seemed a bit all over the place. The weathered paths looked tacky against the rainbows and the colours seemed all over the place.

    Ellie : 9/10, Mel 7.5/10

    1. Thanks! I rushed it tbh, I liked mine as much as you did.

  4. While Mel had more color/fun to it, Ellie's was more organized and less "all over the place"
    My vote goes to Ellie

  5. Mel yours is great I vote Mel :) Ellie's idk just kinda dull
