Sunday 6 September 2015

Japanese Hotel by Race Agains

Hey everyone! Few days ago I made a Japanese hotel which includes 6 rooms, reception, waiting room. Take a look:

Japanese Hotel by Race Agains

What do you think? Let me know in the comments so I can improve my igloo.



  1. Very nice!

    -1 I dont't understand why the waiting room is behind the reception

    -0.5 I don't like how the entrance to two hotel rooms are in the front like????

    Overall there are some layout issues so 8.5/10

    1. also how the f r u supposed to get into the hallway without breaking into the wall lol

    2. Pretty sure that's not the waiting room. Some hotels have seating outside the rooms and the rooms are not on the ground floor.

    3. dude you're right, the waiting room might be actually a restaurant :P ( my mistake). Um maybe the entrance is behind the receptionist chair.

  2. So much better than your last hotel interior. I love the Japanese rooms. I agree with Geeing that the doors to the lower 2 rooms are in an awkward place. Maybe incorporate the Circular Archway to get into the hall way from the reception. 8.5/10

  3. I actually love this igloo so much. The layout isn't really a problem with me I think it looks fine. The colour scheme is spot on and you can really tell that this is Japanese.
    Rating: Gr8
    Score: 9.5/10

  4. -2 format/layout issues... it actually looks nice without thinking logically/realistically (in other words very symmetrical)
    +love the top middle section
    +love the top 4 rooms/wall decor


  5. I really like this igloo! :D
    But like others have said, there are some issues with the layout.

  6. Damn this igloo is amazing af. The color scheme is on point and I really like the middle section. Overall I rate this a 9/10 :)

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