Saturday 28 November 2015

Author Of The Month : November 2015

Welcome to the Author of the Month November 2015 edition. The author with the winning igloo will become Author of the Month! Unfortunately I couldn't get this poll up yesterday because of my Dad's birthday consuming my time, so this poll will end on the 2nd December!

Check out our authors with their best igloo that they posted in the last month :

Cutiepie813 :
Zenny Cp :
Puffle Park
Alex1941 :
Holiday Mall
Harry Cp :
Brooke CP :
Verde Sal :
Fall Festival
JaydenCP :
Christmas Village
RaceAgains Cp :
Luxary Mansion Exterior
Rules :
- This is a friendly contest, do not ask people to vote for certain people
- Authors CANNOT vote for themselves
- Vote for who you think made the best igloo from the last month
- To pick your winner, vote on the poll to your right


  1. Can you change my igloo to the Thanksgiving-Inspired igloo plz :P

  2. I voted for you Brooke ;3 Two reasons; One because you are my friend: and two because I love your Italian Pizzeria :)

  3. Personal rankings:
    1. Harry
    2. Alex
    3. Race Agains
    4. Cutie
    5. Jayden
    6. Zenny
    7. Brooke

  4. I haven't been seeing any Winter Showcase posts lately, and on the post you said you would do it every day! What is going on?! :(

    1. That's because the posts will be posted AFTER the due date which is the 9th December.

    2. I think it's because everyone needs the 2 weeks to complete and submit their igloos, so the showcase posts will probably start December 9th or the day after that.

    3. Wow we did that at the exact same time lol
