Thursday 12 November 2015

Library igloo by Harry Cp!

Library igloo by Harry Cp!
This igloo includes :
  • Entrance
  • Lamps & Reading Lights
  • X2 Librarian Desks
  • X3 Computers
  • X6 Sofas
  • Various Bookshelves
This is the third igloo in my Igloo Remakes series. Whilst gathering inspiration, I noticed that several libraries had multi-stories and I had fun trying to incorporate this concept into my igloo. 

Let me know what you think of this igloo by rating it /10 in the comments! Any feedback on how to improve my igloo would be helpful, so let me know. What is your favourite book? - Let me know.


  1. What was the two tables at the front, behind the tubes, called?

    Oh yeah and 10/10 because it looks amazing and so is the layout, shape, and everything else :3

  2. Awesome igloo, Harry. I like how you included the second story, and the whole layout looks great. 10/10

  3. 10/10 - It looks great! :D I love the layout, and pretty much the whole igloo! ^-^

    I'd have to say that my favorite book is either The Count of Monte Cristo or Les Miserables :D

  4. We wish you a merry I love this we wish you a merry 10/10 we wish you a merry because I love the layout and everything else and a happy new year!

    Rudolph the red nosed reindeer had a favorite book Rudolph the red nosed reindeer's favorite book was The Isle of The Lost!
