Friday 6 November 2015

~Puffle Park Igloo~

Hello my children <3

Your mother is back ;)

Aaaand today I have decided to make a Puffle Park since there are so many annoying puffles in my igloo. Gr8 idea rite? Check it out yo:

Puffle Park

This igloo includes:
  • Two slides (because who doesn't like slides??)
  • 4 puffle nest things..? (2 for playing in && the other 2 for puffles)
  • A statue 
  • Puffle feeding station
  • A lake && other nature crap 
  • A bench if you're a lazy asshole like me ;-)
As ya'll can see, my puffles are having a hell lotta fun in this igloo. I've taken a really long time on this igloo, mostly because I had a lot of homework. Due to that, I've been very inactive lately && I apologize for that. Sorry if this igloo is bad btw lol. Pls rate my igloo /10 && I'll see you little shumplets later.



  1. That was so obvious xd, putting a bench. I'm so stupid lol. The final igloo looks really cool tho! 9.5/10
    You're welcome "mom". :P

  2. omg Brooke. Don't say mom! ;o
    Say Grandma Zenny ;)
    i wove woo grandma Zen Zen

  3. Woo get a whipping for not respecting the rules of the family.
    Zenny MUST be called Grandma Zen Zen ;)

  4. Anyway, besides all that, please do another Igloo Discoveries because I found this when I was playing on regular CP:
