Friday 7 February 2014

Prehistoric Hangout


Lil here, sorry it's been so long, and sorry this igloo is late! I know the party is over but I wanted to upload this as promised. I made this recently and to be hones I don't like it very much! It was a remake of my old igloo like this.

 Here is the old igloo from last year:

Lildudee10's 2013 Prehistoric Igloo

And this weeks igloo! It's a lot less detailed but I wanted it to be different. This igloo contains a lookout area with two huts, campfire area, river area, boardwalk and waterfall area! Please, please, please tell me what you think below it will be very appreciated :) 

Lildudee10's 2014 Prehistoric Igloo
Cya next time!!

-Lil x


  1. I like second one is better cause it's neater.But overall they're both pretty nice :)
