Monday 27 April 2015

Author Of The Month : April 2015

Welcome to the Author of the Month April 2015 edition. The author with the winning igloo will become Author of the Month! This month features the return of MissLilCP, Lela5631 and the new addition of JaydenCP. The poll will end on the 1st May.

Check out our authors with their favourite igloo that they posted in the last month :

Alex1941 :
Easter Island
Harry Cp :
Forbidden City
Blackmistcp :
Rockhopper Playground
Lela 5631 :
Toy Shop
Ellie Cp :
Ancient Rome
Robbery CP :


Verde Sal :
Beachfront Cafe
Melanie : 

MissLilCP :
Niagara Falls
JaydenCP :
Lazy River
Rules :
- This is a friendly contest, do not ask people to vote for certain people
- Authors CANNOT vote for themselves
- Vote for who you think made the best igloo from the last month
- To pick your winner, vote on the poll to your right.


  1. Personal Rankings:
    1. MissLilCP - really cool and I'm in love with the bottom left for some reason
    2. Ellie Cp - creative/different/nicely done
    3. Harry Cp - good but the red kinda annoying me
    4. JaydenCP - nice idea
    5. Lela5631 - pretty nice
    6. Alex1941 - good idea but messy
    7. Verde Sal - basic
    Confirm w/ me at MM if you think I'm fake

  2. Personal Rankings:
    1. Blackmistcp
    2. JaydenCP
    3. Lela5631
    4. Ellie Cp
    5. Harry Cp
    6. MissLilCP
    7. Alex1941
