Sunday 12 April 2015

Puffle Park igloo by Harry Cp!

Hey guys! Unfortunately most of you are back to school tomorrow but I still have another week off school and will be travelling to London, perhaps I'll get some inspiration for an igloo? Anyway, today I made an igloo using the furniture from the March 2015 furniture catalog which was all about puffles. I decided to make a Puffle Park igloo (not to look like the room on Club Penguin) and here is how it turned out :

Puffle Park igloo by Harry Cp!
This igloo includes:
  • Puffle swings
  • Tree tunnels
  • Wild berry bushes
  • Ancient penguin and puffle statue
  • Puffle tree forts/nests
As always, let me know what you think of this igloo by leaving a comment with a rating /10 and any suggestions which I could use to help improve my igloo - Thanks guys!


  1. Another amazing igloo Harry. Looks great, I can't find anything wrong with it. 10/10

    1. Same here, can't see anything wrong have to say 10/10. Well done

  2. I would bring my puffles over here than the regular puffle park lolz. Honestly like Sal said, another great igloo because I love the layout, the details, and how neat it is! I also really like how you did the river. 10/10
