Wednesday 27 January 2016

Author Of The Month : January 2016

Welcome to the Author of the Month January 2016 edition. The author with the winning igloo will become Author of the Month! The poll will end on the 1st February. This is the first poll to feature Nirasha and also our first in 2016.

Check out our authors with their best igloo that they posted in the last month :

Cutiepie813 :
Autumn Themed Train Ride
Zenny Cp :
Ghetto Neighbourhood
Harry Cp :
Japanese Garden
Brooke CP :
Snowy Neighbourhood
JaydenCP :
Golden Gate Bridge
RaceAgains Cp :
 Prehistoric Land
Nirasha123 :
Barnes and Nobles
Rules :
- This is a friendly contest, do not ask people to vote for certain people
- Authors CANNOT vote for themselves
- Vote for who you think made the best igloo from the last month
- To pick your winner, vote on the poll to your right


  1. Harry can i have my family igloo instead?

  2. Nirasha I think chu have an advantage on becoming Author of The Month because you are new and stuff XD

  3. Nirasha amazing favorite igloo

  4. Thank you all sooo much but there are better igloos than mine.

    Personal Rankings:

    1: Harry
    2: RaceAgains
    3: Brooke
    4: Zenny
    5: Cutiepie
    6: Jayden
