Saturday 2 January 2016

Creative Cp Igloo Ideas News [2016]

Happy New Year! As I mentioned yesterday, 2016 could be very different for us all in the igloo making community because Club Penguin are changing direction. In 2016, Club Penguin will be rolling out Project Super Secret. As of now, we do not know what this means for igloo makers...
  • Could Cp continue with the current system?
  • Could Cp be changing the igloo editing format to a more 3D style
  • Or maybe igloo editing will be scrapped all together

The first option means that this blog will resume as normal. However, if Cp go with option 2 and change the current format to a more 3D style, this blog will no longer be of use with the igloo ideas no longer being relevant and this could mean we would either have to end or majorly revamp this blog. Likewise, if option 3 happens, this blog will be no more than an archive of what igloo editing was like before Project Super Secret.

Club Penguin has not released any new furniture for A LONG TIME which leads me to worry that we will continue to not get any new furniture until at least Project Super Secret comes into place.

We start the year with 8 authors, 5 of which joined in 2015 so it is likely new people will join us this year.

So, what do you think is next for igloo editing? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Tomorrow or in a few days, I will also be revealing some new advertising techniques because in the last month Cp has made igloo advertising very difficult...


  1. Replies
    1. Have you noticed that no one is advertising their igloos lately on Cp? There is a reason

    2. It's that whenever you copy and paste repetitively, whatever you say will not show to other people. As you know there are igloo makers who advertise their igloos by copy and pasting. I had this problem for about a month. I try not to copy and paste. If you wanted to advertise, the best choice for you is to type.

  2. Maybe we'll finally be able to add periods to Club Penguin? Or explanation marks wherever we want in our speech bubble for advertising? Or we will have a special tool called the 'Advertising Tool' where we can make our speech bubble bigger? The tool could be in the Settings button, or simply on the right side of the emoticons button. And I have a question. What do you mean by 'new advertising techniques'?

    1. New ways to advertise your igloo because Cp has prevented copy/pasting the same message. I'll explain in more detail in the post

  3. So you're saying that if Option 3 happens, the blog will become useless?

    1. Yea as you won't be able to make igloos anymore on Cp

  4. We need to rebel against cp

  5. Harry, you forgot about cppses. If you can't edit on cp, cppses should still have the old interface

  6. NONONO!! I'm incredibly scared for this "Project Super Secret". Please no 3D or major change or getting rid of igloo making. Club Penguin is changing too much!!

  7. Like Geeing mentioned, there are still cpps around that features the ability to edit igloos and if CP does continue with a 3D change or even getting rid of igloo making there would be igloo making still possible just not on real CP. There's actually more than a few cpps opened including igloo making without the actual igloo itself (igloo background I mean) So, I don't think this blog would be useless if they decide on that path.

  8. Now on 1/3/16 we have 6 authors, 5 of them joined in 2015

  9. I decided to visit the blog and cp today I was shocked of how much igloo making is dying, no one was advertising, lack of items and now project super secret!? it's sad to see this much change happened after the year I had quit. I hope you'll be able to continue the blog, Harry.

  10. Maybe look at the cp news for any thing new about project super secret, i did.
    But cp hasn't updated anything that much, could P.S.S be helpful in the end???


  11. I have actually sent an e-mail to CP reguarding this question, waiting for a response.

  12. Here is the response I got:

    Hi [My name here],

    There are indeed some major changes coming to Club Penguin in the year ahead. We don't have any updates on the igloos right now but I can tell you that it's going to be very exciting stuff and we hope that you like it. To find out more about Project Super Secret, just keep your eye on the What's New blog!

    What do you hope the new Club Penguin features will be?

    Keep calm and waddle on!

    Club Penguin Support
