Thursday 7 January 2016

Prehistoric Land by Race Agains

Hello everyone! Today I'll show you my first prehistoric igloo. So as you can see I made two prehistoric homes and I really like how it looks. Anyway take a look:

Prehistoric Land by Race Agains
Lol I have no clothes on :P

Please mention any suggestions for improvement.



  1. I was just in your igloo admiring this just before you posted it! I love the prehistoric homes and I like how you used the bones. Nice swamp and market too. The only flaw is that the two sides to the igloo don't connect as much as I would have liked. 9.5/10

    1. Got to agree with you. Most of the time I always struggle designing and conecting different sides of the igloo.

  2. Can I use your house idea? -Davids19
