Saturday 5 March 2016

Hospital igloo | Harry Cp

Hospital igloo by Harry Cp!
This igloo includes :
  • Hospital Entrance
  • Front Desk
  • Waiting Room
  • X2 X-Ray Rooms
  • X2 Operation Rooms
  • X2 Check-up Rooms
  • X2 Beds
This is the eighth igloo in my Igloo Remakes series. I really enjoyed making this Hospital because I was able to use some items that I have never really used before including 2 rare flooring items which recently came back. I am like the overall layout.

Let me know what you think of this igloo by rating it /10 in the comments! Any feedback on how to improve my igloo would be helpful, so let me know.


  1. Aw snap, that's one snazzy hospital! But I'm unsure about having the same map rug in most of the rooms, it matches well but I dunno. I'm half and half on that lol. Also in the operation rooms, the little desk-thing with the big lights overlaps onto the blue screen wall.


    1. The desk was a huge problem for me because of boundaries but thank you for the feedback!

  2. Harry, I was checking out Club Penguin (with vic/nir/jangi lolz) and I noticed Zekev still exists??? I mean he's a member currently and has a gold lei (when was that released?) and idk when this igloo was made but it looks nice:

    And I went to my old friend, Febrianne's igloo and it looked pretty cool, , looks like a greenhouse?

    1. Ooh ty. Zekev is still a member? 😂
