Saturday 14 February 2015

Flower Shop Igloo

Flowers! Flowers! Everywhere! Valentine's Day is today and you've probably seen 12091092093019 people with rose bouquets (ew ik ik). Some of my Valentine's ideas weren't working so I decided to make a flower shop. This igloo includes a clerk desk, roses, tropical flowers, casual flowers, wheel barrows, pots, and more flowers. Check it out!
                                                                               Helpful Hint:
                             Want to create a holiday inspired igloo?
                                                              Why not choose a color scheme based
                                                              on the holiday. For example in my igloo,
                                                               I used a red and pink scheme for Valentine's Day


  1. I can understand why you added that cart (I think?) to the top piece with the flowers and all, but I don't think it looks good. Other than that, this igloo fits the Valentine's theme perfectly

  2. I love this igloo, the color scheme and the way you made the flower shop is really creative. 10/10 :)

  3. Love the layout and color scheme consistency! 9/10

  4. Beautiful. Loving the color scheme! :D 9/10
