Saturday 27 June 2015

Author Of The Month : June 2015

Welcome to the Author of the Month June 2015 edition. The author with the winning igloo will become Author of the Month! The poll will end on the 1st July.

Check out our authors with their favourite igloo that they posted in the last month :

Cutiepie813 :
Poor Village
Alex1941 :
Medieval Fair
Harry Cp :
Detective Agency
Blackmistcp :
Surf Shop
Lela 5631 :


Ellie Cp :


Verde Sal :
Winter Village
Melanie :


JaydenCP : 
Cliff Diving
Rules :
- This is a friendly contest, do not ask people to vote for certain people
- Authors CANNOT vote for themselves
- Vote for who you think made the best igloo from the last month
- To pick your winner, vote on the poll to your right.


  1. IMO:
    1st - Jayden [I love the way the igloo is laid out and how she took advantage of the night sky]
    2nd - Cutie [I really like the igloo + colors, but I don't like how she relied on the tall trees]
    3rd - Harry [Lots of nice details, but I feel like Cutie + Jayden's flow better]
    4th - Mist [I LOVE this igloo, basically you tied for 3rd IMO]
    5th - Sal [Typical Sal igloo, just slightly an improvement fro him]

  2. 1st: Harry - lots of details it just looks so real / cool
    2nd: Jayden - I love the Philippines but I love Harry's igloo a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle more
    3rd: Verde Sal - I love the centerpiece and the entrance/everything on the bottom
    4th: Alex - unique idea, cool details, but the formatting is a lil weird
    5th: Cutie - feel like I'd find this in a 2011 contest

    1. What club penguin website do u use to make u igloos

    2. I haven't made an igloo since January, lol. I forgot what CPPS I used but I'm 99.9% sure it closed.
      Alex is going to give me his password so I can make a couple of igloos there : )

    3. *his Club Penguin password

  3. 1st Harry really nice
    2nd Verde Sal its like someone who is rich should live there
    3rd Mist really good idea for the summer time
    4th Jayden it looks amazing good job
    5th Alex this looks amazing I mean I want to go in that igloo well done
    6th Cutie this looks like a old igloo sorry

  4. 1st/ Alex - I really like that medieval twist!
    2nd/ Harry - Full of details through-out the igloo
    3rd/ Mist - Nice layout and it really looks like a surf shop gj
    4th/ Sal - Although I like the round effect on the centerpiece, still not a huge fan of this igloo
    5th/ Cutie - Don't like how you relied on trees

    1st: Alex
    2nd: Jayden
    3rd: Cutie
    4th: Mist
    5th: Verde Sal

    Basically the same as Alex

  6. Personal Rankings:
    1st: Alex
    2nd: Harry
    3rd: Mist
    4th: Jayden
    5th: Cutie
    6th: Sal

  7. My Personal Rankings:
    1st: Alex
    2nd: Harry
    3rd: Jayden
    4th: Mist
    5th: Cutie
