Hey everyone - something has been on my mind recently. I've noticed that it's become more and more common for average penguins to copy our igloos. Today, I was waddling around the island looking for igloos when I saw someone advertising a French Vacation Igloo. How original I thought, but once I got there I realized it was yet another instance when a penguin has copied one of our authors.
Copy of Harry Cp's French Town |
This is not the first time I have seen Harry's French Town been copied before either, what makes me especially aggravated about this last instance is that the igloo-maker seemed to be unaffected when I asked him about his igloo. Igloo copying is not a just a problem for the authors, I have seen users with 'popular igloos' been copied by someone else in hopes of gaining as much attention. Yes, I know some people lose inspiration and just want to gain likes easier, but no where do I think it is appropriate to copy someone's igloos. I know I spend at least an hour working on each of my igloos, and I'm sure it's the same way for my fellow authors.
Example #1 of an igloo that has been copied |
I do appreciate users asking permission to recreate an igloo or even better use the igloo for inspiration for an igloo similar to the original with their own twist. I know it is hard to give credit when you are on Club Penguin, but I do think that you should acknowledge the original creator.
Example #2 of an igloo that has been copied |
SO WHAT'S NEXT? If copying igloos is what the future of igloo-making will be, I am a bit worried about the future igloo community. As igloo makers we must continue to make original igloos by using innovations and ideas inspired by famous igloo makers (such as the blog's authors), but not necessarily copying. Feel free to start a discussion in the comment section about anything you've noticed regarding the issue or simply your own personal opinion. Keep editing on!
I have no idea for this its not me I look at igloos to help me have ideas but I do not copy them
ReplyDeleteI agree with you! I founded some igloos that copy others
ReplyDeleteI find that wrong, they should have give credit to the person who made the actual igloo in the first place
The person takes 2 or 3 long hours on making a igloo, but then its only a copier takes 10 minutes to build and copy the igloo, it felt 100% Wrong to me. This blog is made to show many people so many igloos made by the fantastic authors. Not made for the authors to create igloos so others can copy it in 5 mins when it took the authors hours.
I completely agree with you, others should unleash their imagination on igloos. NOT COPY OTHERS IGLOOS
I don't mind people taking inspiration from our igloos and using parts of them but I disagree with people copying the whole thing
ReplyDeleteI sometimes copy the igloos on this website, from now on i would ask the author if i can do there igloo with my own style, i know it's bad to copy igloos, when i was new to club penguin i would copy many igloos, but not anymore.
ReplyDeleteI hop people would take this into mind
You can do igloos with your own style, that's perfectly fine and you don't need permission
DeleteThxs soo much Harry
DeleteThis is an example of a igloo with my style, cutiepie's island getaway igloo, I only used the little cabins or whatever it's called from cutiepie's igloo and then I used my imagination for the rest of the igloo, isn't that fine.
DeleteAnd just to let you know i am in Australia so when i post a comment the time is different to the uk time
I agree Alex! I mean it's nice of someone copies you because they like your work but I mean, you should change MANY parts up. I actually went to that igloo and kept saying "COPY CAT!!!" and it also proves that penguins are loosing creativity.
ReplyDeleteI found a igloo that almost looks like Harry's petshop! :O
ReplyDeleteI found a igloo that exactly looked like Jaydens water rappid thingy i was like OH NO SHE DIDNT
ReplyDeleteOH NO SHE DIDN'T! But, being serious I think people should take our igloo "IDEA" with their own kind of twist on it. Not just copying the whole thing and saying it's "their original creation" Or even better making an original/never seen before igloo by being inspired by our igloos.
DeleteI didn't read the post lmfao (hecka long) but I think penguins shouldn't copy igloos completely but what you gonna do about it you're the one who put it on this site for everyone to see and potentially copy!
ReplyDeleteI do hate it when people copy. But whatever. But... if they like recorded their igloo and then posted it on YT or something and got hecka famous then I'd be pissed. THAT is when credit is due (they shouldn't even do that in the first place)
As for credit when someone is simply doing it on Club Penguin only (not Youtube/any media, etc.) how they gonna give credit? Write your name in the corner? Sike
DeleteIf someone does it on CP it's understandable, but when it's put on YouTube without credit, that's a completely different matter.
(*cough* guy who copied my ice rink igloo in one of his videos and disabled the comments when Sal & I called him out on it *cough*)