Friday 19 June 2015

French Town igloo

Hey guys! Today I have made a French Town! (Basically every author on here has made a french town..... oh well XD)

It includes:
  • Perfume stand
  • Book shop
  • Clothes shop
  • cafe
  • portraits 
  • Boat rides
Say what ya think down below


  1. nice cutie remember me its me rosyfancy1 the penguin xd

    1. LOL I hate that people are copying other igloos its so mean :( I love the igloo ideas sometimes I can't make a custom item for a igloo xd but mostly I made a tent on CP its cool

  2. (BUT I NEVA MADE A FRENCH TOWN, I think....Or a french fry town C:)
    The layout is pretty nice,and the right is pretty neat. The shops are pretty. Although I don't see much of a french theme, and there are a few random things like that tree between the rocks. Speaking of rocks, why are they there? I don't think that is french suitable. And I notice the weathered paths kinda ruin it too.
    Although, not bad! 6.5/10

  3. I agree with Lela about how it doesn't capture the french theme, except the stage and painting area. And in a french town I don't think there's random mountains in the middle with the floor being dirt. But, I like how you did the layout of the igloo. 7/10

  4. I have to agree with Lela and Jayden here. I'm not a fan of the rocks or weathered paths, as they don't really match the theme. Also, I'm not really sure about the two random trees and the o-berry bushes. The cityscape could also be changed to blue. Although I like the the layout in this igloo, there's some stuff you could change. 6/10

  5. Hmm interesting layout but the lack of French-ness kills it. 6.5/10

  6. Okay so I agree with Sal, Jayden and Lela! I mean this doesn't really seem like France. That little space that the rocks create is where you could've added more detail and I mean the tree doesn't have anything to do with France. You should've put different types of flooring. I think the weathered path would look good for some parts but not the entire igloo. I don't really like the fence at the right corner of the igloo, but if you were going to put it some where you should've put it by the long part (like harry but not exactly like him) For some reason the igloo just seems empty.
    Now for the part you wanted to hear! :D
    Okay so I like your layout a lot! I think the perfume stand is really creative and I'm pretty sure it goes with the theme. I like how you made the clothes shop because there is a lot of good clothing in paris and it deserves a spot. I like the portraits because I LOVE ART!!
    Your igloo can use some improvement but it's good.

  7. I'm with the others on this one; definitely not French. There's not much of a layout either... other than the top left corner, it seems as if you just took the French elements you wanted to include and put them in random places. As previously mentioned, the weathered paths and rocks don't fit the theme (I assume you were trying to replicate Paris, which as a busy city is not that rural) and I think are the primary cause of the lack of French-ness.

    While I loved that you included unique elements to your town, like the perfume stand and the easels, the item used for the stand is too medieval looking to fit (as is the bridge) and the easels are facing the wrong direction.

    Not bad, but could use improvement. 6/10.
