Friday 24 July 2015

Author Of The Month : July 2015

Welcome to the Author of the Month July 2015 edition. The author with the winning igloo will become Author of the Month! The poll has started early due to myself going on holiday for a week. The poll will end on the 1st August, when I am back! This is also the first time that Race Agains will compete.

Check out our authors with their favourite igloo that they posted in the last month :

Cutiepie813 :
4th Of July
Alex1941 :
Summer Gift Shop
Harry Cp :
Venice, Italy

Blackmistcp :
Fireworks On A Beach
Ellie Cp :
Phantom Of The Opera
Verde Sal :
Pirate Theme Park
JaydenCP :
Underwater Caves
RaceAgains Cp :
Rocky Mountains
Rules :
- This is a friendly contest, do not ask people to vote for certain people
- Authors CANNOT vote for themselves
- Vote for who you think made the best igloo from the last month
- To pick your winner, vote on the poll to your right


  1. IMO :
    1st - Harry Cp
    2nd - Race Agains
    3rd - Blackmistcp
    4th - Alex1941
    5th - Verde Sal
    6th - Ellie Cp
    7th - Cutiepie813

  2. Personal Rankings:
    1st: Harry
    2nd: Jayden
    3rd: Alex
    4th: Sal
    5th: Mist
    6th: Ellie
    7th: Cutiepie

  3. 1st: Race Agains
    2ND: Harry CP
    3rd: Verde Sal
    4th: Jayden
    5th: BCP
    6th: Alex
    7th: Cutiepie
    8th Ellie

  4. ~Personal Rankings~
    1: Race Agains
    2: Harry Cp
    3: Jayden Cp
    4: Alex
    5: Mist
    6: Sal
    7: Ellie
    8: Cutie

  5. Personal rankings:
    1st: Harry
    2nd: Race Agains
    3rd: Mist
    4th: Alex
    5th: Cutie
    6th: Ellie
    7th: Jayden

  6. aaa they're all good & I rlly like race agains and jaydens but u just can't beat harrys tho it's badass af

    10/10 dr harry xxxxx luv ya I vote u

  7. I like them but 1st race agains!

  8. I like them all! But my personal rankings are-
    1st. Race Agains
    2nd. Verde Sal
    3rd. Harry CP
    4th. Blackmistcp
    5th. Jayden CP
    6th. Cutiepie813
    7th. Alex1941
