Thursday 13 August 2015

Igloo Discoveries #85 : Babycrier's Igloo

Hey everyone! The other day, my good friend Babycrier was asking for igloo ideas and after some long decision maming, he went for a Museum igloo idea. Today, he finished the igloo and I was AMAZED at how creative and unique it is! Take a look :

Museum igloo by Babycrier!

I love how he used the Grand Stage Arch because it could represent the Museum exterior! I love the bottom middle arch where the mannequin is included as well as a gift shop. There are paintings, artefacts, important moments in history, instruments and more -- it has everything!

Let me know what you think of this igloo by rating it in the comments! Maybe if you have any advice, Babycrier could take it on board :) 


  1. liked his igloo I am friends with him! :D wish everyone good luck on the summer igloo contest!

  2. Do you know what the name of that golden puffle thingy is?

    1. No, I meant this thing

    2. That's the back of one of the throne items, I think

  3. I like the idea of the giant arches as the format but overall this igloo isn't really as good as it first appears. The colour scheme is weak and the museum artifacts themselves are pretty messy. If this was made neater and sorted out better then it would be great.

  4. Oh yay! I really liked his igloos! (Btw this is Allsmiles29)

  5. I agree with Joey - when I first saw this igloo I was amazed but thinking about it, it's pretty tight/messy.

