Thursday 15 October 2015

KFC igloo ;)

Ayee my people

It's Zennyy 

Today I have made a KFC igloo because I have no inspiration at the moment :))). Just kidding. Maybe. Lol anyway here you go:
KFC igloo
This igloo includes:
  • A cheap soda fountain
  • 2 trashcans for your convenience :-)
  • Menu (the whiteboards)
  • The specials for the day (the 2 chalkboard things)
  • Bar-looking seating with a TV (there's no liquor though lolol)
  • 2 cash registers
  • Multiple seating areas

Please ignore these stupid fucking puffles in my igloo trying to ruin this pic, it was an accident okay??  On the other hand, I tried to fill in the blank spaces but I didn't really know what to put there, so suggestions and tips would be extremely helpful. Sorry if it looks boring af to you :/ But, yeah, please rate my igloo /10 and have a nice day! :-))



  1. I like the layout. I think you should consider making the entrance a double door and add another whiteboard at the top of the igloo to be in line with the bookshelves beneath. I'm not really a fan of the kitchen/counter section.I think you should actually add a kitchen and consider putting bamboo tables behind the red ovens -- bring the whole counter front forward && remove the white screens. Possible more seating booths in the left and right middle sections, depending on item limit. Nice bar like seating area.


  2. DARN THOSE PUFFLES! XD but 8.5/10

  3. - The flooring is uneven, I think using just a wood flooring instead of board walks would have been better and would have made it look less cramped -1.5
    -There is a LOT of red, but, if you would change the flooring to just a wood flooring, I think it would take care of that problem -1
    -There isn't a lot going on. You could have made a drink/silverware station in a corner, and maybe a drive-thru on the side to make it more fast-food-ish. -0.5

    7/10 - lots of potential though.

    1. Yeah, unfortunately oasis dosent have flooring, unless you meant making wood flooring with bowling allys. I tried to do that, but unfortunately I reached the igloo limit. Ty for your tips tho

    2. Oasis has igloo limits??? My entire life was a lie.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.
