Saturday 25 October 2014

Halloween Town | BLACKMIST100

Hey guys, it's Mist again....

...with yet another igloo: Halloween Town!

Please note that this igloo is not based off the Halloweentown movie series.

I understand that the igloo is a little hard to see in this video, so here is a photo:

This igloo features:
  • A Hayride
  • Pumpkin Patch
  • Halloween-decorated stores for any last-minute Halloween shopping
Self-Analysis: I think this igloo is quite simple, but the details incorporated help to make it more than just simple. 

WHAT ABOUT YOU? Let me know in the comments.


1 comment:

  1. I like this igloo, but like the other, add more detail,like a little bit more houses, carts, shops, and add more Halloween stuff on the sidewalk, but really good! 8/10
