Friday 10 October 2014

Ice Palace Igloo by Harry Cp

Happy Friday everyone! To kick off the weekend, I thought I'd give you a first look at Igloo Ideas [S4] by presenting the first igloo in the series. This igloo was made a month ago back in September and uses many of the ice themed items released in August. Take a look at my Ice Palace igloo :

Ice Palace igloo
This Igloo Includes :
  • Moat
  • Ice guard
  • Ice Palace entrance
  • Ice Palace balconies
  • Ice Palace walls
  • Ice Palace roof
I had some inspiration from Kemitfan's igloo which was posted through igloo discoveries a while back. I hope you like this igloo, it's a little different from the other Ice Palace igloos because I made the exterior.

As always, let me know what you think in the comments by leaving a rating /10 and any helpful suggestions in order for me to improve my igloo next time :)

- Harry


  1. 7/10

    Excellent creativity but very cluttered leaving little to do in the interior, therefore making it unbalanced with aesthetics & function

  2. I thought there was a little bit too much going on with the castle. Also why is there a pond under the guard? The whole front of the igloo just looked like you were trying to fill it with whatever. 7/10 :)

  3. I like the igloo but it's sloppy compared to your others despite some creative touches such as the balcony.
