Thursday 23 October 2014

Public Toilets igloo [In Action]

It's that time again... time for a new igloo ideas episode! Today I take you back to an igloo I made during the Job Duty production. I was struggling to make a new igloo for the series and instead decided to make a comedic igloo after many failed attempts at a Music Shop. Take a look at my Public Toilets igloo :

This Igloo Includes :
  • Male toilets
  • Female Toilets
  • Urinal
  • Male toilets' sinks
  • Female toilets' sinks
  • Turnstiles
  • Paying desks
Let me know what you think of this igloo in the YouTube comments by leaving a rating /10 and leaving any helpful suggestions to improve my igloo.
Thanks guys! You'll be seeing a lot more igloo videos lately as we count down the final episodes in Season 3... stay tuned for the new video this weekend.


  1. lol sounds funny "Public Toliets in Action"

  2. Lol i agree with geeing. Like, you r filmkng in the public toilets which u r! :P

  3. Btw its a 9/10 but i did a 9/10 cuz my concious is yelling at me. So i like the way how u created the toilets and the baby changing thkngy and the entrsnce. BUT i dont like how u use the items 4 the baby thingy plus wut r those thkings on the entrance? Anyways good job.

  4. I actually tried making one of these a few months ago, but it looked stupid so I tore it down. XD Anyway, this is actually a good public toilet igloo. 9/10
