Sunday 14 December 2014

12 Days of Holiday Igloos : Day One

Before I announce the first igloo, I would like to thank everyone that entered. I was very surprised by some of the entries (in a good way!). Anyways, this igloo had some very creative elements that I would've never thought of. Without further ado I present Tiny238's Holiday Caroling! 
Congrats Tiny on being the first winner for 12 Days of Holiday Igloos this year!


  1. omg I won something for once, it's a christmas miracle :P

  2. Nice carol singers stand, creative use of the fireplace for a house. I wish the houses in the back were more covered up in the inside. If the space location was used, the windows would not have been needed and it would allow you to do more. REALLY creative how you made it look like santa was going down the chimney and with the reindeers on top as well. Definitely your best igloo Tiny. 8.5/10

  3. I like the caroler's stage and the santa on the roof (very clever), but I'm not a fan of the fireplace houses. I think that the windows (interior of the houses in the back) could've had a bit more too them - maybe using bigger items to fill up the space. Also, using the regular large window rather than the multi-pane window might've looked nicer (or space location, like Harry mentioned), and saved you some items. It's great overall, but my primary problem with it is neatness. There are many alignment issues, such as the ancient benches, wooden steps/shoe racks, the windows in the back (there are gaps), etc. It's pretty well detailed though, well done overall. 7.5/10

  4. Loving the aesthetics. I also agree with Harry and Ellie's comments. :)
