Monday 22 December 2014

Christmas Orchestras

Hey Everyone!

Lil here and today I've got a Christmas igloo to show you called Christmas Orchestras. 

Around May this year I made a Christmas igloo for season 4 of The Igloo Challenge, and I thought it would be a waste not to show them as even though I didn't make it to the 'Christmas In July' round I still have an igloo left over which I found recently - my Christmas Orchestra. 

I decided to remake it too, as it seemed outdated so I'll be showing you the original one and a new one I have made :)

The 'original' Christmas Orchestra:
Christmas Orchestra by Lildudee10
As you can see I was going through my mad tallest tree item phase, which I am currently still in but I just use tall trees less :') This igloo includes a main stage, harp areas, seating and a donation station for CFC, and of course many tall trees.

The 'new' Christmas orchestra:
Christmas Orchestra by Lildudee10
I incorporated many of the features from the original igloo however I don't know which I prefer. This one also includes a main stage, harp area, less tall trees and I added a river with little boats to watch the show from too.

So tell me below which igloo you prefer! Personally, I am unsure which I prefer however be sure to leave a comment below :) I'll try and reply to feedback however I am going on holiday to Florida so there may be a delay.

Have  a wonderful Christmas :)



  1. Hm, I think I actually prefer the first one! The stage is decorated a bit more, and I prefer the benches over the wood benches and the wooden walks over the footlight stages/water and boats. I do wish that the first one didn't have the tree trunk walls though, so the curtains and cityscapes are big improvements in the new one.

    Original: 9/10
    New: 8/10

  2. THAT COOL!!!!!!! you kind of change it two time right...
