Thursday 1 January 2015

Mel's Throwbacks #2

Hello! It's Mel! :3

Happy new year! Woooooo! Let's make 2015 one to remember.
So, as my first post of the year I decided to do the 2nd release of Mel's Throwbacks.
oday I'll bring you an December 2013 igloo: my Candylad.  I was getting into the experience, not really aware of stuff itself...
Here it is:

Now it's your time to point out the mistakes and improve this igloo with your suggestions! What should I fix? What do I need to take off? Is there a consistent colour scheme? Is there any item spam? Comment below your thoughts!



  1. With Candyland, I think you should take a simple igloo idea and attempt to make it out of candy or as many features as you can out of candy rather than just trying to fill the igloo with candy related items.

    1. Yay you got it. You will now receive a cookie:

