Hey guys, Mist here.
It's Friday and you know what that means... a new episode of The Igloo Challenge!
Don't know what The Igloo Challenge is? Please click here.
This week, the six contestants were split into three pairs of two. Each contestant had to break the ice and get to know their partner.
Task: Create any igloo you want...
1. using the Basic igloo
2. based on your partner.
Well, how did they do? See how it all turned out.
1. What was Ellie's score out of 30? (15 points)
2. Who won the challenge? (10 points)
3. Who is eliminated? (10 points)
*** If you have a YouTube account and would like to participate in a season-long contest [that only requires commenting], you might wanna check out the description of the video! ***
See you on SUNDAY, JANUARY 18th when the results are revealed!
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