Saturday 17 January 2015

Pirate Island Igloo by Verde Sal

Hey guys, it's Verde Sal here again. Today I have a new igloo that I call a "Pirate Island". Here it is:

This igloo features:

  • Dock for pirate ships
  • Treasure
  • Rowboat :D

This igloo was pretty fun to make. Feel free to leave any comments and ratings. Peace

-Verde Sal


  1. This igloo is soooooo cool! i love how the background goes with the theme and how you put loads of rocks and caves on the pirate island some things aren't necessary like some plants but i liked how you placed them and made it look like nobody has been there for a while. over all 9.5/10


  2. This is really nice, the dock was pretty cool but maybe remove the tables even though they're used to neaten up the section. The location choise was good. I also like the centre tropical section. I thought the treasure cave was very good too, 9.5/10
