Monday 22 September 2014

Paris on the Seine by Ellie

Hey everyone, hope you're all enjoying your week

Today I'd like to show you my latest creation: Paris on the Seine
I've always wanted to make a Paris igloo, so I'm excited to show this one to you today

As you can see, it's on a bit of a different angle. I wanted to give the point of view as if you were looking across the river to the other side. It's inspired by something like this.

This igloo includes:
  • A promenade
  • A book shop
  • Outdoor platform for street performers
  • A cafe
  • A bridge
  • Access to the Seine/lower portion of the street 

Hope you enjoy! Please rate out of 10 in the comments below!

Also, an [early] congratulations to everyone here on the blog for our one year anniversary! Great job everyone! 


  1. This igloo is AMAZING. I loved the creative use of the stone-ruin-wall-things and the steps going down to the lower part of the street. I really like the whole igloo, I can't find anything wrong with it. 10/10 :)

  2. Awesome igloo Ellie! There are many things which I love about this igloo including the steps (very creative), the use of the lamp posts, the hidden-like busking area, the use of the ruin walls. I can only find 3 cons with this igloo...

    1. The anicent benches were a little messy in the lower left which could easily be fixed by moving the water level up to hide the underneath of the ancient benches 2. The stone sofa's don't blend in very well with the ruin wall but I see what you were trying to do. 3. The bridge worked well with the water flowing underneath but maybe add the rice paper wall on the right side of the bridge as well to neaten up the anicent benches edges and to make the bridge clearer.

    9.5/10 Great job!

  3. Creativity - 4/5
    Originality - 4/5
    Neatness - 4/5
    Colour - 4/5
    Item Use - 4/5

    Overall Score - 8/10 - Great igloo it's a nice take on Paris although no areas are perfect.

  4. I love it! This idea is really original . I think this is a really cool layout you made, but I think it needed a little bit more water at the bottom. Overall, 10/10.

  5. Ehh... I like it but it isn't anything special 6/10

    1. tough talking from geeing in the blue corner

  6. I wish you moved the cityscapes more up so we can actually see the city buildings - it looks like a clear blue sky. Other than that pretty creative layout!
    SCORE --- 9/10
