Wednesday 19 November 2014

Beach Campsite Igloo by Verde Sal

Hi guys, Verde Sal here. For the November Igloo Challenge, I was assigned a beach. (My favorite igloo to make :D) I decided to add in a little something different, camping. Here it is:

I think it turned out pretty good, but could have been better. Please tell me what you think in the comments!

-Verde Sal


  1. I think you could have added more into the igloo. It looks a little bare. However, I do like it. 8.5/10!

  2. I agree with Ally. I counted the items and it's just under 50 -- Just think what you could do with all those spare items. Most people use the weathered paths if they dont have access to the sand flooring so I fighured you didn't need to use both. The layout is simple. I am a little disappointed considering this is for the November Igloo Challenge and I want people to master BASIC ideas. This igloo is basic, what you needed is a more exciting layout. Don't be afraid to take risks. -- 7/10

  3. You didn't master the basic idea 6/10

  4. Agree with ally! Very bare! Plus something is missing. You didnt follow out the theme. Plus what the the cave? Plus you dont have to use weathered paths for sand. YOU ALREADY GOT IT. plus you hadnt reach the 99 item limit rule. The only thing i like is the beach plants and mountains.

    Im very disappointed, this is not your best work.

  5. Sal... I agree with Lela, FAR from your best work, and pretty disappointing. There's no distinct layout at all really, you just followed the border of the igloo. The rocks/vegetation is nice as it typically is, but the cave does look out of place. The water looks decent, but the campsite? Practically empty. It literally consists of 10 items. The whole igloo, as previously mentioned, is under 50. I can't imagine that it took you more than ten minutes to put together, and that's even a stretch. It has so much potential! But it was poorly executed. I'm sad to say it, but 4/10.

  6. This is Blackmist100 – can't log onto my Google Account at the moment.

    +I like that you didn't follow the typical boardwalk theme for the Beach.
    But... where is the beach lol
    -That tent is very outdated. Please use something new.
    -Was the cave really necessary lol
    -Maybe continue the weathered paths??
    -Why a beach "campsite" anyway
    -What the hell are those vines doing there
    SCORE --- 4/10
