Wednesday 26 November 2014

My mansion igloo for 2!

Hey guys! Im soo sorry I didn't post yesterday, my parents had to take me shopping. :l Anyways, this is my mansion igloo! I turned it in when I was doing the blog auditions, sadly didn't made it ,but Im here now. (Hopefully.)

This igloo comes with...

~ A living room

~A kitchen

~A dining room for two


~Stairs leading up


~An upstairs with two bedrooms inside

So yeah please give a rating out of /10, Later!

My mansion igloo for 2

Cya guys on Friday!
~Lela <3


  1. I really like how this igloo looks. The middle part is almost perfect, just a little messy. The upstairs could use a little bit of color though, because it's all brown. I didn't really like the kitchen or dining room much, and there's some empty space you could have used at the bottom. Overall, 7.5/10 Good job!

  2. I like the layout - there's a lot of potential for it. The thing is, it's empty and kinda messy. I didn't like the really light flooring with the darker colored furniture - it just clashes - and to agree with Sal, I'm not a big fan of the kitchen or dining room. 7/10

  3. Like Ellie said, the layout is unique and provides an opportunity for a great igloo.
    But the igloo... not so great.
    Loved the top center, but the rest needs some work.

  4. ive searched everywhere and i dont know what igloo you used

    1. There is no 'igloo'. It's just an igloo location

    2. yeah i just realised that

  5. what kind of windows did you use
