Friday 25 July 2014

Byee + Minecraft Inspired Igloo

I'm gonna be leaving the blog this weekend and before I go I have one last igloo to be posted. I'm sorry if I let any of you down and/or never met your standards. I know I haven't been here all that long, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. A few reasons why I'm leaving: A} it's no longer an appealing hobby B} time to focus on other things and C} I was never good at it. Anywho this was inspired by the Underwater Monuments that will be added in the 1.8 update of Minecraft. Here it is;
Let your creativity explode.
I managed to get the curtains in the back to glitch so you can't see the rods for the bottom row. The plasma balls represent a new mob to be added and the green ball things (idk what they're called) represent sea lanterns (a new block also to be added). Unfortunately I hit the item limit soo, ya know. 


  1. Awesome! This is the most creative igloo I've ever seen you make. The unique lanterns look amazing and you definitely achieved the underwater effect! I don't play minecraft so I can't really rate this considering what it is based off of but it's really good.

    It's a shame to see you leave but I understand your decisions and I'm happy to have given you the oppurtunity to share your igloos :)

  2. CREATIVITY - 5/5 - Very unique idea and brilliant use of items,

    ORIGINALITY - 5/5 - A great idea to do minecraft but I've never played it lol am I mad not to ALSO THE SHELLS AND THE CAVES

    NEATNESS - 5/5 - It's cluttered with rocks and water. It's underwater though so it's meant to be like that ;)

    COLOUR - 5/5 - The blue water and curtains along with the purple shells and lights go together perfectly!

    QUANTITY - 3/5 - This is where you struck the iceberg. It's practically just rocks and water and lights. Apart from that it's empty ik about item limit but that's why we're protesting about it.

    OTHER FEATURES - 3/5 - This igloo is a little confusing like are the flowers meant to be coral? Why are there containment cells? Are the plasma balls jellyfish anemone?

    OVERALL RATING - 8.7/10 - A fantastic way to go with an original and exciting igloo! All the best and thanks for being a great blog addition, you will be missed

  3. Amazing igloo! I didn't know you very well, but it's a shame to see a great igloo maker leave the blog. Have a great life :)

  4. Thanks guys. ^ And thanks for your rating Joey, very detailed :P. @Rock, we can still get to know one another. @Harry, thanks for this awesome opportunity. lya =)

  5. Amazing igloo Bubblesducky :)
