Thursday 17 July 2014

Igloo Rebellion : Mario's additions

ok ok... its a nice idea, but remember why there is a 99 item limit in the first place... let me tell you something. when i create a igloo, i try to make a whole new world in my igloo but the item limit and space are holding me back.... but i think space is more  important that igloo limit. IMAGINE! you know how each member gets 3 igloos? imagine, you trying to make something like grocery store or a kingdom or a college... you don't have space to make the thing you had in mind! but what if... (this might sound crazy so leave if you already lost trust) you and your friends can go from one of your igloos to the other! without the blueprint thing! you can make 2 or 3 of your igloos something like a kingdom and like one of the igloos can be a castle! the second can be a town and the last igloo can be a dark forest...

ok i think i might be confusing ( i am ) but imagine! you wont have any more space problems! you can create the world you always wanted! who needs more than 99 items to create a world in one single igloo when you can use 297 items in 3! that's a lot!
sorry if you didn't understand... i don't think any of you understand... but imagine your igloo were your igloo connects to make a room... just imagine...

thank you :) 

-baby mariods


  1. Nice idea Mario! I think it would be a great idea to be able to display all 3 of our igloos at the same time perhaps by walking to the edge of the igloo to go to the next? This would be a great idea to add into an Igloo Rebellion email this weekend. I understand the limit might not be able to be raised, but if more of us get involved perhaps CP might try to do something about it -> CP Next?

  2. Maybe a scroll-across slide at the bottom where you could view them all and walk between them?

  3. i can seei t maybe a button on the bottom that pops up when u go in a igloo
    and also do u know why there is a box in the corner of the igloo while were editing we dont need it

    1. That's what you put items in to get rid of them. But omg I hate that box

    2. to be honest i just put my items to the bar at the top... and to be honest i didnt even know there was a box... no joke

    3. Harry, I agree with you. The box is STUPID XD

  4. I think this idea is brilliant...
