Thursday 24 July 2014

water park igloo

ALOHA my penguin friends! i forgot to post this igloo! sorry :S but anyways here it is! YET AGAIN THE SPACE OF THE IGLOO MOCKS ME! and this is not part of my vigloo games special (obviously)
so here you go! please rate below and have a nice day! 


  1. +Love the slide
    -I haaaate that the river's edges' lines are showing. ***Cover them with waves?
    -The way the palm trees curve kinda ruin the whole area imo
    -The grass don't look either... especially right next to the pool.
    SCORE --- 7/10

  2. Hmm, I agree with Mist on the water edges, they don't look good like that. The slide is also very good and I loved how you used the dino statues next to it. The wooden walks were very messy but that can't always be controlled. So yeah, I pretty much agree with Mist but I'm rating this igloo 8/10.

  3. CREATIVITY - 4/5 - Generally creative but nothing particularly stands out.

    ORIGINALITY - 3/5 - The stage and the café area is probably the most original the rest we've seen before.

    NEATNESS - 3/5 - Not the neatest of igloos I must say

    COLOUR - 4/5 - The left side is perfect but a refs pats on the right are dull and don't match the other colourful features.

    QUANTITY - 4/5 - Usually good but sometimes there's too few of an item or an unnecessary excess of it.

    OTHER FEATURES - 3/5 - It feels like the deck is going to submerge because there is no barrier. I have a grudge with those blue stone couches they just look so dull and annoying.

    TOTAL RATING - 7/10 - A vibrant and fun take on the idea but with improvement needed.

    Wow I love writing these.
